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Cementitious Waterproofing
Cras vitae nibh sodales, scelerisque purus vel, vulputate nibh. Aliquam sodales massa a est laoreet volutpat. Curabitur pretium sem at orci malesuada laoreet. Nunc feugiat mi turpis, vitae egestas nulla dapibus sit amet. Fusce in dui at augue iaculis molestie nec in lacus. Cras ac ullamcorper metus.
Integral Waterproofing
For a waterproof construction to be effective, a total systems approach is necessary. Shasta Concrete System comes in a package of technology which ensures the effectiveness of the waterproofing job and the long-term protection of the concrete structure. Our integral waterproofing system offers the latest innovation and the simplest methodology in waterproofing technology. The required amount of integral waterproofing admixture is simply dosed in the concrete mix batch, and the waterproofed concrete is ready to be poured. The effectiveness of this technology relies mainly in three other elements – the expertise in the dosing and application operations, the excellent and reliable service Shasta provides, and the warranty for the performance of the product. The absence of one element makes the system totally ineffective.
Structural Grouts and Bonding Agents
Mauris ultricies condimentum laoreet. Aenean eget orci eros. Aliquam feugiat faucibus felis, vel vestibulum nulla auctor id. Cras et mi leo. Fusce molestie, ligula vitae molestie sodales, dolor lorem cursus odio, a bibendum erat arcu vel lacus. Curabitur a consectetur ligula. Class aptent cras amet.
Concrete Repair System
Mauris ultricies condimentum laoreet. Aenean eget orci eros. Aliquam feugiat faucibus felis, vel vestibulum nulla auctor id. Cras et mi leo. Fusce molestie, ligula vitae molestie sodales, dolor lorem cursus odio, a bibendum erat arcu vel lacus. Curabitur a consectetur ligula. Class aptent cras amet.
Waterproofing Membrane System
Mauris semper enim in enim sollicitudin, in eleifend turpis sagittis! In pharetra neque ut feugiat suscipit. Nullam mollis sem ac lectus cursus; ac volutpat dolor gravida. Morbi ac diam massa. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus risus id risus lobortis orci aliquam.
Floor and Wall Sufrace Treatment
Mauris ultricies condimentum laoreet. Aenean eget orci eros. Aliquam feugiat faucibus felis, vel vestibulum nulla auctor id. Cras et mi leo. Fusce molestie, ligula vitae molestie sodales, dolor lorem cursus odio, a bibendum erat arcu vel lacus. Curabitur a consectetur ligula. Class aptent cras amet.